Thursday, 19 March 2015

Maps and World Building

As you can see above, I took the arduous task of attempting to create a fictional world for The Adept Chronicles. Now, anyone remotely associated with me should know that I am a terrible, terrible artist. I can stretch to drawing a map, but that is basically it - and I often think that that is pushing it. So, above is my rendition of the continent of Dekar, which may one day become as famous as Middle-Earth, Discworld, Narnia, Westeros/Essos or Randland. That's the dream, right? 

The top drawing is my own and took me bloody ages, as I changed my mind constantly on places, names, paths, layouts etc. The bottom one, however, is from a friend of mine called Natalie Irvine. Wonderful person, cracking artist, and it only took her an hour or so to knock up that brilliant rendition. To be quite honest, I think I prefer her version over mine - it just looks more streamlined, don't you think? 

I'd appreciate a few comments and feedback from independent observers, if any of you could be so kind. Feel free to be as harsh or as praiseworthy as possible. 


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